
Olesya Tertychnaia


Montecatini Opera festival Olesya Tertychnaia flauto

Olesya Tertychnaya was born in Leningrad. At the age of ten she began to study the flute at the Serebryakov Children’s School of Arts (class of Natalia Zaznobina). In 1997 she graduated from the St Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov School of Music and in 1999 from the St Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire (class of Gleb Nikitin). Subsequently undertook a postgraduate study under Natalia Sechkareva.
Prize-winner at numerous international competitions, among them the Young Flautists’ Open Competition (St Petersburg, 1992, 1st prize), the International Competition of Young Woodwind Instrument Musicians (Moscow, 1993, 1st prize), the International Young Musicians’ Competition (Volgograd, 1995, 3rd prize), the All-Russian Youth Competition of Chamber Ensembles (Novomoskovsk, 1995, 2nd prize) and the International Maria Canals Competition (Barcelona, 1998, 1st prize).
Also takes part in numerous international festivals and gives master-classes in towns and cities throughout Russia. In 2002 she was awarded the Pro Europa prize by the European Cultural Foundation. In 1999 she became a performer with the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St Petersburg Shostakovich Academic Philharmonic, Honoured Ensemble of Russia.
Has taught at the Rimsky-Korsakov College of Music since 2008.
Frequently performs in recitals, appearing both in Russia and abroad in solo recitals, together with chamber ensembles and also as a soloist with chamber and symphony orchestras.

Associazione Culturale Il Parnaso ETS
Viale Guido Baccelli, 10
Montecatini Terme (PT)


P.IVA-C.Fisc. IT-01483940472

Come raggiungerci
In auto
Autostrada A11 “Firenze –Mare” uscita Montecatini Terme
In treno
Linea Firenze–Lucca–Viareggio, stazione di Montecatini centro
In aereo
Aeroporto internazionale “A.Vespucci” di Firenze, km 44
Aeroporto internazionale “G.Galilei” di Pisa, km 50

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