


Montecatini Opera festival SILVANA FROLI soprano

“My passion dates back to the time when I was a baby, I always loved singing. But the turning point came when I decided to measure myself with the stage and the opera. In the year 2000 I decided to finish my activity as a member of a choir and to start acting as solo singer: to be an interpreter of Puccini it was not a choice of mine, but it was a natural vocation, due to my tone makes me more apt to be an interpreter of those roles”
Born in Lucca in 1970 she studies singing from the very first years of life, in order to improve herself, with such artists as Katia Ricciarelli, Paolo Washington and Susanna Rigacci. Naturally gifted with a soprano voice, she based her vocal formation upon systematic studies, favouring the personal research, making great use of suggestions received by important singers frequented in theaters environments.
They say about her:
“voice as important as burnished … solid technique … powerful voice instrument, equipped by a warm metal with rare matrix … a singing line cautious especially in dosing lows and highs.”
From: Giornale di Sicilia
In 2006, in occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Lorenzo Perosi, she has been invited by the Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia in order to be interpreter of the role of Mary in the oratory “The Redentor Christmas” by Perosi, at the Sala Nervi in the Vatican (event broadcasted in Eurovision).
On the 19th of may 2007 she took part in the concert of the “L.Boccherini” Music Institut, dedicated to the rediscovery of Roberto Zucchi, being interpreter as solo singer of such passages executed for the first time as “When among other women” and other like “Knocking at your window”. The concert has been taped and produced as a CD.
In 2008, year of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of G.Puccini birth, she takes part in numerous concerts in various cities as London, Wien, Munchen in Bayern, Rabat, Beirut, in addition to being invited by the “Italians in the world” association in order to sing in the prestigious Fine Arts palace in Bruxelles.
Again in December 2008 and in 2009 she is interpreter of Tosca for the exclusive production realized in cooperation between the Accademia Teatro alla Scala and the Teatrino di Vetriano, with the extraordinary participation of Eros Pagni and the direction of Angelo Sala. Again in Vetriano in April 2011 she acts, in the production realized in cooperation between the Accademia Teatro alla Scala and the Festival Pucciniano, as Cio-Cio-San in “Butterfly” for the direction of Enrico Beruschi.
In June and December 2009 she is solo singer for the ITALIAN GALA at the Mohammed V theater in Rabat and then in Damascus Opera House with Syrian Philarmonique Orchestra, with the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Embassy in Damascus.
From 2009 she is interpreter of Puccini roles as Mimì, Tosca, Manon, Cio Cio San, Turandot, Suor Angelica, for the project of Opera Promotion “Montecatini opera festival” and for the Show-Concert “Giacomo Puccini women”, repeated several times on the stages of Tuscany theaters in Lucca and Torre del Lago.
In July 2010 she is invited to execute Puccini musical airs at the concert of opening of the “Krak des Chevaliers” Festival in Homs (Syria) organized by the Damascus Opera Theater, by Homs Governorship, by the Italian Institute of Culture, by the Italian Embassy in Damascus. It was the first time in the Festival history to have such inauguration with music from the Italian lyric tradition.
In September 2011 she executed as a solo singer the eighth symphony of Mahler in the Greek theater of Taormina, with the Orchestra of Teatro Massimo Palermo directed by Alberto Veronesi.
On the 21 October 2011 she takes part, as solo singer, together with Philarmonique Orchestra and Choir “Città di Agrigento” at the “Agrigento all’Opera” inauguration concert for the lyric symphonic season 2011-2012 of The Teatro Luigi Pirandello Valle dei Templi Agrigento Foundation.
On the 7 December 2011, day of the anniversary of the birth of Pietro Mascagni, she is the protagonist of the Concert organized by the Teatro Goldoni of Livorno Foundation. Evening themes were pages from Isabeau, the drama legend by Luigi Illica, and pages symphonique-chorale by Pietro Mascagni operas.
During the gala evening organized by Rotary Club in occasion of the visit to Lucca by Andrea Bocelli, in January 2012, she sang together with him.
On the 25 February 2012 she is interpreter of the role of Silvia in Mascagni’s opera “Zanetto”, at the Verdi theater in Pisa, directed by Francesco Pasqualetti with very good reviews by critics:
“… the able dynamic variations and the growing of intensity, well seconded by the beautiful backlighting as conceived by the direction in the finale, provoke unexpected emotions: this is merit also of the valid execution by soprano Silvana Froli in the role of Silvia, exhibiting voice of generous ampleness, acute register boldly aggressed with happy results and expressive involvement which cannot leave you indifferent.”
Fabrizio Moschini – Opera Click
And something more:
“… applauses for all the interpreters with deserved consensus peaks for Froli and Pasqualetti.”
Fabrizio Moschini – Opera Click
She cooperates with the Festival Pucciniano of Torre del Lago as solo singer in various concerts and operas in Italy and abroad as Belgium, Germany, Norway, Syria, Morocco, England, Spain.
In 2012 in occasion of the celebrations for the 145th anniversary of the birth of the Nicaragua poet Ruben Dario she acts as Santuzza in “Cavalleria Rusticana”, performed in Managua and Leon (Nicaragua) in the enchanting open air representation in the square in front of the wonderful Cattedrale dell’Assunzione, under the direction of Daniele De Plano. Orchestra composed by the first parts of Festival Puccini Orchestra, musicians of the Cuba Symphonique Orchestra, and by Nicaragua National Orchestra superbly directed by Galli.
Again in 2012, inside the project “All’Opera” for the promotion of Lyric Opera, realized in cooperation with the Public Instruction Assessorship of the Firenze Municipality, the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Foundation, and the Venti Lucenti Association, she plays the role of the Marshal in Cavaliere della Rosa by Strauss, the role of Elizabeth in Don Carlo by Verdi, and of Turandot in the same name opera by Puccini.
She plays as Cio-Cio-San in “Butterfly” in the 58th Edition of Festival Pucciniano in Torre del Lago, in August 2012, with tenor Aquiles Machado (Pinkerton), Annunziata Vestri (Suzuki), directed by Valerio Galli.
“… A wonderful third act, already in the second act so much soul, a melting intensity…”
Elena Formica – Gazzetta di Parma
She plays again Butterfly in December 2012 at the Teatro Pirandello of Agrigento, under the baton of Nahel Al Halabi and the direction of Paolo Panizza, with the following review:
“… the enchanting voice of Silvana Froli (we say so without exaggeration) has recalled to us the voice of Maria Callas which has been unfortunately heard by us in DVD only”.
In March 2013 she is Elisabetta di Valois in “Don Carlo” in the edition for young people of Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.
On 26 may 2013 she is Tosca in the Sala dei 500 in Florence (in lieu of the foreseen piazza della Signoria, due to bad weather) for the celebration of Georgofili at the presence of the President of Senato and of the Minister Carrozza.
On the 16 august 2013 she plays again Tosca in the 59th edition of Festival Pucciniano di Torre del Lago, accompanied by Gabriele Viviani as Scarpia and by the tenor Piero Giuliacci as Cavaradossi, under the baton of Alberto Veronesi and the direction of Jean Louis Grinda.
“… In addition to the singing mastery, the singer has confirmed the great interpretation talent in showing the many shades of this complex personality which is for sure one of the least simple among those outlined by the Lucca musician. Silvana Froli has been capable of being a very valid trait d’union among all the interpreters and between them and the orchestra…”
Silvia Cosentino, FULL Magazine – lunedì 19 agosto 2013
On the 31st of august she plays the role of Santuzza in “Cavalleria Rusticana” at Noto, in piazza del Municipio, in the wonderful panorama of the cathedral with its majestic steps. Noto is the town where – it seems – has been performed one of the first representations of this opera, under the personal direction of Pietro Mascagni. Orchestra and Choir “Conca d’Oro” under the baton of Nahel Al Halabi and the direction of Daniele De Plano.
She plays the roles of Mimì, Tosca, Butterfly, Santuzza, Turandot, Isabeau, Leonora in “Trovatore”, Elisabetta in “Don Carlo”, Amelia in “Un ballo in maschera”, Aida, Silvia in “Zanetto”, Maddalena di Coigny in “Andrea Chenier”.

Associazione Culturale Il Parnaso ETS
Viale Guido Baccelli, 10
Montecatini Terme (PT)


P.IVA-C.Fisc. IT-01483940472

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In auto
Autostrada A11 “Firenze –Mare” uscita Montecatini Terme
In treno
Linea Firenze–Lucca–Viareggio, stazione di Montecatini centro
In aereo
Aeroporto internazionale “A.Vespucci” di Firenze, km 44
Aeroporto internazionale “G.Galilei” di Pisa, km 50

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